Investment Maps of Regions
Investment Strategies of Regions
Industrial Parks
Software complex "Mass Assessment"
Developments for Roseestr
State cadastral evaluation
Automated system of real estate monitoring and management «Business Cadaster»
Evaluation of assets
Development of draft regulatory legal, methodical and technical documents in the field of taxation and real estate evaluation
Services on economic analysis of land use, evaluation of economic consequences of introduction of taxes, market evaluation, cadastral evaluation of real estate.
Planning, development, introduction and support of special software in the field of evaluation of real estate objects and economic analysis
International projects
Development of draft regulatory legal, methodical and technical documents in the field of taxation and real estate evaluation
State cadastral evaluation of lands within Section 4 of the federal target program «Creation of an automated system for keeping a state land cadaster and state register of real estate objects (2002-2007)»
Customer: FSUE “Federal cadaster centre “Zemlya”. April 2003.
Methodological support and monitoring of works on state cadastral evaluation of lands in implementation of the federal target program
Customer: FSUE “Federal cadaster centre “Zemlya”. March 2002.
«State cadastral evaluation of land» in implementation of the federal target program «Creation of an automated system of maintaining the state land cadaster and state registration of real estate objects (2002-2007)»
Customer: FSUE “Federal cadaster centre “Zemlya”. April 2002.
«State cadastral evaluation of land» in implementation of the federal target program «Creation of an automated system of maintaining the state land cadaster and state registration of real estate objects (2002-2007)»
Customer: FSUE “Federal cadaster centre “Zemlya”. July 2002.
Creation of an automated system of maintaining the state land cadaster and state registration of real estate objects (2002 – 2007)
Customer: FSUE “Federal cadaster centre “Zemlya”. December 2002.
«State cadastral evaluation of land» in implementation of the federal target program «Creation of an automated system of maintaining the state land cadaster and state registration of real estate objects (2002-2007)»
Customer: FSUE “Federal cadaster centre “Zemlya”. May 2003.
Creation of an automated system of maintaining the state land cadaster and state registration of real estate objects (2002 – 2007)
Customer: FSUE “Federal cadaster centre “Zemlya”. March 2003.
«State cadastral evaluation of land» in implementation of the federal target program «Creation of an automated system of maintaining the state land cadaster and state registration of real estate objects (2002-2007)»
Customer: FSUE “Federal cadaster centre “Zemlya”. May 2003.
Development of a study program for state land control.
Customer: FSUE “Federal cadaster centre “Zemlya”. March 2003.
Development of proposals on creation of models of mass evaluation of non-residential estate objects in the territory of Moscow
Customer: Higher Educational Establishment “Financial University under the Government of RF”. October 2005.
Development of technical directions on mass evaluation of residential estate fund objects, garages
Customer: FSUE “Federal cadaster centre “Zemlya”. April 2006.
Improvement of methodological basis for state cadaster evaluation of land
Customer: FSUE “Federal cadaster centre “Zemlya”. April 2006.
Improvement of technologies of state cadaster evaluation of land
Customer: FSUE “Federal cadaster centre “Zemlya”. February 2004.
Research work on development of the draft Federal law «On the register and mass evaluation of objects subject to local property tax»
Customer: Fund “Center for strategic developments”. November 2004
Development of methods of real estate evaluation for the purposes of taxation for formation of tax basis and strengthening of financial autonomy of local administration bodies
Customer: State Higher Educational Establishment “Financial University under the Government of RF”. November 2004.