The market of cloud technologies develops extremely fast. All over the world enterprises of quite various industries conduct active research of this rather new IT-market component. The volumes of world expenditure on cloud infrastructure are expected to increase by almost 30 billion dollars by results of 2014.
Малое и среднее предпринимательство, представителей которого в России в 2012 году насчитывалось более 2 миллионов, — неотъемлемая составляющая экономики любой страны, и гармоничное развитие эффективной экономической системы немыслимо без поддержки представителей данных групп.
Metalwork has significantly simplified builders’ labour: lower weight comparing to other construction materials, quick installation, and durability — these are advantages of this construction material.
Russian citizens are used to cooking and eating at home, which is proven by rather low figures of expenditure on eating out of the total expenditure. In Russia about 3.3% of household expenditure is allocated for these purposes.
Energy resources become fewer and fewer with the flow of years. Owing to it the field of renewable sources of energy, including bioenergy resources, is in active development now. For example, in several Russian regions boilers start to be transferred from coal and gas to biofuel. At present, their potential is greatly underestimated. The cheapest resources that can replace coal or gas are peat briquette, wood and wood processing waste.